Quantum Energy Limited
Cyprus-based Quantum Energy Ltd. belongs to the Quantum Corporation Group with investments in power generation in southeastern Europe having invested in five power stations with an installed capacity of 1422 MW. By comparison, the total output capacity of these units exceed that of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) by 30% and is growing at an annual rate of 4%. The company’s worth is estimated at €1.2 bln (approx US$ 1.6 bln) with an average annual production of 5,200 GWh mostly in surplus with great export potential. Quantum Corp. Was also one of the founders of the Commercial Bank of Greece (Cyprus) Ltd adn was its largest shareholder after Emporiki Bank of Greece.
25 Philippou Str.
CY – 2363 Agios Dhometios
P.O.Box 22493, 1522 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.:+357 22792200
Fax:+357 22776830
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.quantum-corporation.com