Opportunities for companies and professionals
Building an electricity interconnector cable the size of the EuroAfrica Interconnector across two continents and three different countries is a challenging and complex mission. Today, at our headquarters in Cyprus we already employ more than 70 professionals and many more contracted service company experts, as our contractors and sub-contractors also embark on employing more experts and highly skilled specialists.
If you are interested to participate in any one of our procurement projects or are interested to join our team or any one of our sub-contractors, send us your company profile or personal CV, describing which aspect of the EuroAfrica Interconnector you are interested in.
Most of the direct and indirect employment opportunities in Egypt, Cyprus and Greece will be created by the EuroAfrica Interconnector’s contractors and sub-contractors. These companies will be hiring a range of specialists to provide their services to the EuroAfrica Interconnector. We recommend that interested individuals and companies closely observe the local jobs market for EuroAfrica Interconnector-related opportunities in their countries.
For more information please contact us by sending an email to [email protected]
Human rights and labour relations
At the EuroAfrica Interconnenctor, we believe in the principles of fairness, transparency and equality. This applies to the way we treat every individual and entity, from our employees, contractors and subcontractors, to the communities in which we work.
As a Cyprus-registered company, the project developer EuroAfrica Interconnector Limited is obliged to comply with the labour laws of the Republic of Cyprus, and by extension the labour laws of the European Union.
We are committed to providing all employees with a non-discriminatory workplace environment and to comply with best practice on human resource management and occupational health and safety.
Similarly, we expect all contractors involved in the construction and operation of the EuroAfrica Interconnector to commit to the same principles and endeavour to meet the same standards.